Dreamteam – Dream team
Yes, a dog and his dog handler. Nothing more and nothing less should be achieved that the work would bring you joy and success. The methodology of the training is set in a way to see it from a dog’s perspective. The dog still has a strongly developed instinct, in spite of living in human environment. We must adapt ourselves. We don’t humanize the dog, but get a little bit “doggy” ourselves. In this way, you and your dog will become a true DreamTeam. All our instructors have a lot of years of experience working with search and rescue dogs.
DREAMTEAM AREA SEARCH SEMINAR, KRANJSKA GORA (SI), 28.4 – 2.5.2025, exams 3.5. – 4.5.2025
Seminar is sold out – JUST WAITING LIST!
DREAMTEAM MRT PREPARATION, Kranjska Gora (SI), 17.4. – 20.4.2025
Seminar is sold out – JUST WAITING LIST
Seminar starts 17.4.2025 at 8PM.
DREAMTEAM AVALANCHE SEMINAR, POKLJUKA (SI), 31.1. – 4.2.2025, EXAMS 5.2.-6.2.2025
DREAMTEAM RUBBLE SEMINAR, RAPSACH (CZ), 9.10.-12.10.2024, exam 13.10.2024
Just seminar, no accomodation!
Arrival 13.8. late afternoon
DREAMTEAM 2-DAY AREA SEARCH SEMINAR + EXAM, LJUBLJANA 14.6.-16.6.2024 and 12.7.-14.7.2024
Just seminar, no accomodation!
Registration deadline 31.5.2024
June: max 20 participants
July: max 10 participants
DREAMTEAM RUBBLE SEMINAR, RAPSACH (CZ), 5.6. – 8.6.2024, exam 9.6.2024
Just seminar, no accomodation!
Dog’s preschool
DreamTeam dog training and education is based on learning through positive motivation. It is recommended to start with the training as soon as you bring the dog home.
We organize seminars for search and rescue dogs several times per year: obedience, search for the missing person in the area, rubble and avalanche.
Training on request
We also organize trainings upon your request, with customized content and duration. In addition to the practical part we can offer you also a lot of interesting lectures.
The events can be organized in Slovenia or abroad
DreamTeam Instructors
Borut Modic
Sava Zibler
Tomaž Džuban
Edita Modic
Send us a message
DreamTeam Rubble seminar, Rapšach (CZ), oktober 2023
Four-day rubble seminar with IPO-R 2019 exams, with 25 dog handlers from 10 countries (Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Hungary, Romania, Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Bulgaria, Slovakia), 4 groups.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.

DreamTeam Area Search seminar, Pokljuka (SI), August 2023
A five-day area search seminar with 25 dog handlers from 8 countries (Austria, Italy, Croatia, Slovakia, Germany, Czech Republic, Netherlands, ), 4 groups.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
Another successful seminar.
Great group
Great dogs
Great friends
Great fun Great job
Great motivation
Great dreams
Thank you all
DreamTeam Rubble seminar, Rapšach (CZ), June 2023
Four-day rubble seminar with IPO-R 2019 exams, 27 dog handlers from 10 countries (Czech Republic, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Denmark, Netherlands, Romania, Germany), 4 groups.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.

DreamTeam Cup, Ljubljana (SI), May 2023
We held the second DT CUP. 5 searches for missing person – Area, Rubbler, Night / Day.
7 participants from 4 countries (Croatia, Italy, Austria, Slovakia).
It was great!

DreamTeam Area Search seminar – Kranjska Gora April 2023
Five-day area search seminar on with IPO-R 2019 exams, 35 dog handlers from 14 countries (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Serbia, Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia, England), 6 groups.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
Our traditional location
Rientrati oggi dalla Slovenia 4giorni di Ricerca in Superficie
Grazie Edita Modic Borut Modic Sava Zibler ed al mio Gruppo di lavoro

DreamTeam MRT preparation – Kranjska Gora april 2023
This was the first time that we held a seminar that was exclusively focused on dog handler’s training for real mission tests. there was a lot of interest, so we added another date.
thank you all

DreamTeam avalanche course – Pokljuka 2023
Five-day avalanche course, 22 dog handlers from 7 countries (Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia), 3 groups. With the exams on the last day.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors and judges for their efforts.
We did a great job together.
Proud of everyone!!
DreamTeam Area search Seminar Pokljuka, August 2022
Five days seminar for Area Search. 27 dog handlers form 8 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Croatia), 5 groups.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
Another successful seminar.
We come back from Pokljuka where we did a fantastic dog training organized by DreamTeam SAR dog training.
Thanks to my instructor in these days Hias Leinich and thanks to the fantastic working group that has been created and to all the dogs that have allowed us to see so many new things.
We hope to see you again soon!
Es war wieder einmal eine wunderschöne Zeit mit DreamTeam SAR dog training in Pokljuka, Slowenien.
Danke an Borut Modic, Sava Zibler und Edita Modic für die Einladung als Instructor, es ist immer wieder eine Freude Wissen und Erfahrung auszutauschen.
Natürlich auch „Danke“ an meine Gruppe für die großartige Zusammenarbeit
Its members were Czech, Slovak and Austrian rescue dogs.
It was great to see Spanish water dogs roaming in the field, along with malinois, schnauzer, retriever, mix and border collie
The venue is amazing and the organization is professional as always!
Thank you Borut Modic , Sava Zibler
DreamTeam SAR dog training
DreamTeam Rubble search training, Rapšach (CZ), June 2022
Four days seminar for Rubble Search with exams IPO-R 2019. 25 dog handlers from 7 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Croatia), 4 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.
Super blij met mijn meiske. Na super leuke en leerzame dagen trainen in Rapsach in Tsjechië, de week afgesloten met een examen Puin A waarvoor we geslaagd zijn met 170 punten voor het zoeken en 95 punten voor het appèl.
Met dank aan Sava Zibler en Borut Modic voor de organisatie van deze Dreamteam training en het afsluitende examen.
Uiteraard ook dank aan de de deelnemers in onze trainingsgroep voor de support.
Super happy with my girl. After super fun and educational days of training in Rapsach in the Czech Republic, we ended the week with a Puin A exam for which we passed with 170 points for the search and 95 points for the appeal.
Thanks to Sava Zibler and Borut Modic for the organization of this Dreamteam training and the final exam.
Of course also thanks to the participants in our training group for the support.
Rientriamo in Italia dopo 5 giorni di addestramento e test di ricerca e soccorso su macerie a Rapsach (Repubblica Ceca) presso il centro K9-4U . Un’esperienza formativa che ha permesso a me e a Kendra di crescere ancora di più, portando a casa ottimi risultati e moltissimi spunti su cui lavorare. Grazie mille a Borut Modic e alla nostra “Maestra” Sava Zibler per tutti i consigli che ci ha dato in questi giorni.
Concludiamo la nostra avventura debuttando e superando la prova IPO RH T-V, con un punteggio di:
96/100 in ricerca
89/100 in obbedienza (Kendra super-lativa, Alice “super-emozionata” )
Grazie ai giudici che ci hanno valutato in questi giorni, ma soprattutto grazie a Kendra che non si é risparmiata un attimo in questi 5 giorni, dando sempre il 100%!
E ora si torna in Sicilia.. pronti per le prossime avventure
DreamTeam CUP, Ljubljana (SI), 29.4. – 1.5.2022
We held the first DT CUP. 5 searches Area and Rubble.
11 participants from 4 countries (Croatia, Italy, Austria, Slovenia).
It was great!
Fun weekend in Ljubljana at Dream Team Cup competition. 5 searches with completely different context, and even elements of gambling. Thank you Sava Zibler and Borut Modic for perfect organisation and cograts to all competitors!
DreamTeam Area search Seminar – Kranjska Gora april 2022
Five days seminar for Area Search with exams IPO-R 2019. 35 dog handlers form 11 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Austria, Switzerland, Hungary, Great Britain, Croatia), 5 groups. We were delighted to welcome Rolf Hausermann and Chris Pritchard among us.
Thank you to the participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
Our traditional location
DreamTeam Avalanche course – Pokljuka 2022
Five day traing on the snow, searching for missing person in the avalanche, 15 dog handlers from 5 countries( Slovenia, Crioatia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria), 3 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.
We are proud of you all!
If people meet who share the same passion for SAR than it is a Dreamteam Event.
DreamTeam Area search Seminar Pokljuka, August 2021
Four days seminar for Area Search. 27 dog handlers form 5 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria), 4 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
A great seminar again!
DreamTeam Rubble search training, Rapšach (CZ), June 2021
Four days seminar for Rubble Search with exams IPO-R 2019. 19 dog handlers from 5 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria), 4 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.

DreamTeam Area search Seminar – Kranjska Gora april 2021
Five days seminar for Area Search with exams IPO-R 2019. 27 dog handlers form 7 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Greece, Austria), 4 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
It is tradition


DreamTeam Avalanche course – Pokljuka 2021
Five day traing on the snow, searching for missing person in the avalanche, 14 dog handlers from 5 countries( Slovenia, Crioatia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria), 2 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.
Proud of everything !!
As always a pleasure, a privilege, and happiness to be able to train and learn with all of you. Thanks to everyone but, it can’t be otherwise, especially to Nerò, Rakí and Puck, and all the other dogs, my best teachers.

Hi Dream Team.
Another great Area search seminar – Pokljuka 2020
Four days Area search training, 34 dog handlers from 5 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Netherlands, Austria), 5 groups.
A big thank you to all participants for their trust and to the instructors for their efforts.
We did a great job together.
Proud of everything !!
Incredibly cool days spent in Slovenia. Again lots of new for both myself and my black Labi mouse. Thx Borut Modic and Sava Zibler and everyone in the background from DreamTeam SAR dog training for the organization, Sebastijan Strasek for your inputs and help, you were an absolute top coach, and of course Nicola Floro, Angelique van Riel, Belinda Gerrits, Carmen Zaffalon, Monica Tobaldin and everyone else from our group for figuring, discussing, having fun,…..
DreamTeam SAR dog Pokljuka 2020
I would like to say a thank you to the Dream Team .. Borut and Sava who made this fantastic organisation for the research stage, where they have put together magnificent instructors. A special thank you to the superb instructor Sebastian and all the members of my group.
Good Luck
Nicola & Carmen
Anche questa esperienza é giunta al termine. Un altro viaggio che ci ha arricchito e fatto crescere! Volevo ringraziare tutto il DreamTeam SAR dog training, in particolare Edita Modic, Sava Zibler e Borut Modic per la bellissima opportunità di crescita che ci hanno dato! Tantissimi spunti su cui pensare e lavorare, tantissime nozioni nuove e strategie di lavoro. Ovviamente Kendra impeccabile..io un po’ meno ?.
Grazie ancora di tutto!!! ?
Alla prossima ?
Five fantastic days in good company. Exceptional learning experience. Thanks to Sava, Edita, Borut and all the Dream Team Dog Training, and to Thomas for having translated my poor, poor, English.
So proud to have had the confirmation of owning a great dog. Sava I don’t speak English but I write it ?
thank you Borut Modic Edita Modic Sebastijan Strasek and all the Dream Team for these wonderful four day training. I have enjoyed every minute. Thank you Sebastian for being an amazing trainer and for giving Raul and myself the opportunity to grow as a team. Thank to Raul ❤️for what he has become, a lovely boy. Looking forward for the next trainings
Dreamteam Avalanche course, 3.3. – 8.3..2020 VOGEL (BOHINJ, SLOVENIA)
4 seasons in 5 days in Kranjska Gora
5 days of training in difficult weather conditions at area search training – rain, snow, sun. There have been 31 participants from 8 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech republic, Italy, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Romania). On the last day 17 teams took the exam IPO-R 2019.
Dear DreamTeam,
You were this time again really a DreamTeam. Excellent instructors, perfect organization and friendly atmosphere. I was so glad to spent this week in your team!
Thank you all!!
5-days avalanche course at Vogel is finished!
5 days of hard training at avalanche course at Vogel (SI). There have been 27 participants from 7 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech republic, Italy, Croatia, Netherlands, Austria). On the last day 18 dog handlers took the exam in very hard conditions.
SAR Avalanche Course, Vogel 2019
A tiring and wonderful week: the avalanche SAR course organized by Dream Team SAR dog training in Vogel, Slovenja.
After having as guests in Soave, Verona Sava Zibler and Borut Modic for a two days of intense training last year, seven dog handlers with their companions decided to try this challenging experience
Five days of intense work, with weather conditions that were not so easy, put under pressure both dogs ( Jack, Marù , Margot, Nerò, Pace, Zoe, and daisy ) and their handlers.
Participants, arriving from all over Europe ( to mention our friends from Holland, driving for 1200 km) for working groups in which analysis and discussions over different training methods were part of the training along with wonderful relax moments during which we were able to put the seeds for friendships and upcoming collaborations: for this we have absolutely to thank all the people with whom we had wonderful “dog lover’s” conversations during these days.
Our dog units were divided in two groups, one under Sava Zibler and her labrador Joy ( Marù, Nerò, Pace, Zoe) , the other one with Marko “Mare” Brucan and his springer spaniel Joy ( Margot, Jack and Daisy), giving us the chance to gain from different experiences and teaching methods, both of extremely high level. Moreover, we had the chance to see our instructor’s dogs on active work.
the first day saw us discover the world of digging a hole in the snow, source of incredible and new experiences for our dogs. If on one side snow gives them less variety in the number of scents that reach their nose, on the other, it is undoubtedly true that weather conditions and the snow itself have sometimes put our dogs in difficulty, nevertheless this allowed them to reach more and more experience and competence day by day.
Amusement for them was always there, as a shelter was, obviously digged in the snow, were to rest between a training session and the other. For this our wonderful snow anchors, amazing welcome present from the organizers, were of pivotal importance.
The amount of experience is huge, many the ideas we gathered. We take home a lot of sparks to grow and innovations to share with the rest of the team of Argo 91
For now we can’t do anything else but to thank again and again our instructors, especially Sava and Borut, the organizers with Edita, and of course Marko who looked after our daily work and helped us in our logistical problematics.
See you soon friends, we’ll meet in Krajnska Gora!!
Domenica scorsa si è concluso il corso valanga in Slovenia -Vogel-.
cinque giorni intensi, tanto lavoro con i nostri amici a quattro zampe, tanti spunti di discussione e confronto, ma soprattutto tanta voglia di migliorarsi e di confrontarsi.
Si è creato un bellissimo gruppo di lavoro.
Un grazie enorme va agli organizzatori e al istruttore.
Dreateam training on new location and new date – Pokljuka, 14.8.-18.8.2019
A four-day training of area search in the idyllic nature of the Triglav National Park with dog handlers from Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Italy.
Great time and great professional dog work. Time flight so quick that I’m surprised is already over. A special thanks to Flo Schneider who made of this a special experience. Thanks to Borut Modic and Sava Zibler for the perfect organization of the event. See you soon.
Search and rescue training in Slovenia with a unique dog trainer. Thank youBorut Modic for these beautiful experience and for all the things I have learnt during these days. You and your team are sheer perfection from a human and a professional point of view???
Quest’anno abbiamo scelto di fare una vacanza diversa dal solito… abbiamo voluto investire in una vacanza in cui si poteva lavorare con il cane e portare avanti il nostro percorso di ricerca persone in superficie. Devo dire che non potevamo fare scelta migliore . Lavorare con un professionista come Borut Modic è stato veramente impressionante, organizzazione fantastica e luoghi di lavoro bellissimi . Siamo tornati a casa carichi con un bagaglio molto grande ricco di tante esperienze, di momenti divertenti, momenti seri in cui si lavorava duramente e comunque una bellissima esperienza che spero di ripetere ancora. Tanta strada abbiamo ancora da fare con i nostri cani ma la voglia di lavorare con loro è sempre più grande . Grazie borut e a tutto lo staff ce l’ho affiancato in ogni momento
First SAR dog seminar in Greece – Thessaloniki
Februar 2019
Φωτογραφίες από την τελευταία διοργάνωση της σχολής μας, το σεμινάριο Έρευνας και Διάσωσης με τον Borut Modic από την Σλοβενία. Ένα πολύ γεμάτο και πετυχημένο διήμερο που μας καθιστά πρωτοπόρους στην Έρευνα και Διάσωση στην Ελλάδα αφού είναι η πρώτη φορά που πραγματοποιείται ανοιχτό σεμινάριο με αυτό το θέμα. Η ομάδα μας είνα πολύ χαρούμενη που η προσέλευση και το ενδιαφέρον του κόσμου ήταν τόσο έντονο και πιστεύουμε πως η Ελλάδα θα έχει μέλλον στην Έρευνα και Διάσωση με σκύλο. Ευχαριστούμε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες και φυσικά τον Borut Modic που μοιράστηκε τις γνώσεις και τις εμπειρίες του με όλους μας απλόχερα! Επόμενο ραντεβού έρευνας και διάσωσης στην Αθήνα στο Σεμινάριο Έρευνας και Διάσωσης με τον Σωτήρη Κουντουρά!
Search and Rescue Seminar with Borut Modic from Slovenia. A very full and successful weekend that makes our team pioneers in search and Rescue training in Greece, since it is the first time that an open seminar is held on this topic. Our team is very happy that the participation and interest of the people was so intense and we believe that Greece will have a bright future in Dog Search and Rescue. We thank all the participants and, of course, Borut Modic who shared his knowledge and experiences with all of us generously! Next Rescue and Rescue appointment in Athens at the Search and Rescue Seminar with Sotiris Kountouras!
Rubble training DreamTeam&Friends, Villejuist (Paris, FR), November 2018
Weekend seminar witrh colleagues form Chech Republic, Prague (CZ), November 2018
4 great days of training in Spaleniste (CZ), October 2018
This time with friends from Belgium, Netherlands,Slovakia, Russia, Greece, Italy, Austria and Slovenia
We’ve just finished great 4 days of area search training in Kranjska Gora!
We’ve completed a four-day Area search training in Kranjska Gora There were 18 dog handlers from 6 countries (Slovenia, Slovakia, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Turkey).
See you next year!
Last few days were perfect!
Good weather, good food, beautiful nature and super friends…Yes, yes the dogs were awesome too!
Special thanks to the best instructors Mare Brucan, Borut Modic, Sava Zibler.
Enjoying to train with the best team DreamTeam SAR dog training
Wunderschönes Slovenien!
Du hast mir deine schöne Natur gezeigt. Deine Menschen haben uns herzlich aufgenommen!
Danke für 5 wuderbare Tage…..
Danke an allen Rettungshunde Verrückten, ich und Emil hatten sehr viel Spass!
Wir sehen uns wieder…..
dopo 5 giorni intensi … guardare per capire, ascoltare per imparare, tacere quasi sempre e avere fiducia nel mio amico Starky perchè insieme possiamo davvero essere un “dream team”. Grazie alla mia compagna di viaggio Nardella Rita e al bel gruppo che si è formato Ilaria Lucertini, Jonas Briels, Michal Dižka, Natalia Dizkova e Dada. Un grazie speciale al mio amico Borut Modic perchè come sempre mi ha arricchito di nuove esperienze ed emozioni. Barcollo ma non mollo W il GPS !!!
We’ve just come back from a great Avalanche Course at Vogel, March 2018
We’ve completed a four-day Avalanche Course at Vogel. There were 22 dog handlers from 7 countries (Slovenia, Croatia, Slovakia, Austria, Netherlands, Italy, Russia).
See you next year!
Digging. Hiding. Searching. Barking. Playing. Learning. Trainning. Repeat!
Snow. Sun. Wind. Rain. Hot. Cold. Wet.
Fun. Fun. Fun. A lot of fun!
New friends. The best instructors. Awesom dogs.
Thank you DreamTeam SAR dog training!
Thank you Vogel Ski Center!
Vsega lepega je enkrat konec… z Inco sva bogatejši za eno super izkušnjo… hvala organizatorjem Dreamteam za vse… organizacijo, druženje in super treninge… Borut Modic, Edita Modic, Sava Zibler in Tomaž Džuban bilo je SUPER.
Thank you, Dream Team, for another great training and great time together!!! Hope to see you again next year!
Úspešné zakončenie lavínového tréningu s priateľmi v Slovinsku – Blackova prvá skúška IPO-R L-E (95/94 bodov) Ďakujeme #DreamTeam